prioritize attention + prevention

Posted: November 28, 2020 by sasha nelson

Considering the cacophony that was 2020, I ask us all to reflect on the following inquiry: how do you want to live and love as we transition to 2021, and beyond?

As we bring attention to that which we value and how we plan to align with our intentions, we must also give greater attention to our physical and mental wellbeing. As such – we cannot wait for or rely on a vaccine to solve or bypass our immunity [and any general underlying] issues.

Similarly, we don’t have to wait for New Years resolutions to start feeling better. Preventative self-care for physical and mental wellbeing can start now, and it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money to do so.

By just paying a little more attention to how we live [and love], we can better care for ourselves and those with whom we come into contact. It’s truly a win win.

In light of sharing a few of these preventative tips with my family in preparation for my US visit alongside the rise in US COVID cases, I offer some valuable suggestions I’ve picked up from trusted resources that I am personally using myself to stay strong and healthy throughout the holidays and beyond.

Click here for the short video, and please consult your doctor for your specific needs.

  • Have a conversation with your family to set the safety standards for your time together – even if it’s not as convenient or ideal as your typical traditions. No shaming necessary. Do your best to honor everyone’s unique needs, even if you disagree, remembering that this is an exceptional and unprecedented time.
  • If you’re traveling for the holidays from out of town, self-isolate as best as possible before seeing your loved ones. Get tested before you come into close contact with them/anyone.
  • If you are gathering in a group, keep it as small as possible. If you have the means to do so, have everyone commit to staying as isolated as possible the week before you see each other, and get tested beforehand.
  • Keep a safe distance between each other at the table and open some windows for optimal air circulation.
  • Don’t share food or utensils – bring your own gear if that makes you feel more at ease.
  • Prioritize plant-based foods as much as possible. Keep the sugar and alcohol to a minimum to avoid feeding any lurking viruses. Spices like ginger and turmeric are excellent for digestion and immunity.
  • Rub a bit of sesame or olive oil in the nostrils and ears. I got this Ayurvedic tip from Dr. John Douillard and find it effective.
  • Steam the sinuses, especially if the heater is on indoors.
  • Gargle with warm salt water to ease excess dryness and potentially help ward off harmful bacteria.
  • Zinc has been shown to help kill COVID by pathologists studying the virus, says Ayurvedic practitioner Dr. Marianne Teitelbaum. find a quality supplement, like on – use code SAVEME10 for 10% off.
  • Cover your neck and chest; keep hands, feet, head and ears warm. This will help regulate the body temperature so as not to stress the nervous system by contracting with the winter chill.
  • Move your body. Get the blood circulating and boost the mood to boot.
  • Breathe well. Take easeful breaths in and out of the nose, especially elongating the exhale. Let the lungs inflate and deflate fully.
  • Give thanks! Recognize all you have to be grateful for, even in this bamboozling year.

How do you plan to take care of your Selves and your loved ones into the new year?

Let’s continue the conversation – I welcome thoughts and insights.

Read the newsletter for year-round earth-conscious gift ideas, virtual yoga + meditation offerings, an inspiring podcast on boundaries, and good vibes.

Happy holidays, cheers to 2021, and be well!

Photo: Yasmina Schoueri / Bois de Vincennes, Paris.

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