when self-care feels hard

Posted: August 22, 2024 by sasha nelson

but the payoff is worth it [plus 3 free virtual practices]

In times of distraction, fatigue, sadness, busy-ness, or physical / emotional dis-ease, I occasionally have to gently convince myself to meditate, move my body, stay off social media, and do whatever things I know will eventually feel good, but can feel difficult to do or start.

Fun fact though : the payoff is worth it.

Whenever we move through resistance toward a practice that will benefit the wellbeing of our mind, body, and / or planet (they’re all interconnected!), we create natural habits that become much more accessible throughout our life – whether we are facing challenging circumstances or are in a good groove.

For example: I recently had the pleasure of visiting my family back in California and, despite my best efforts, felt a bit discombobulated from jet lag and a schedule that squeezed in all I could during my time there (this payoff was also worth it).

However much I love movement and yoga, I didn’t always pop out of bed with an eagerness to do any such thing (i.e. awake yet still sofreakingtired).

My resistance becomes particularly apparent when I’m short on time, don’t have a private space (i.e. niece and nephew running around 🙂 ), or don’t have a yoga mat / props handy (I often use a towel or nothing at all – when there’s a will, there’s a way).

I do, however, have enough experience to know that even if it’s hard to get going, some sort of movement and / or mindfulness practice – whether brief or long; restorative or active – will probably make me feel better (which it did).

I’ve also learned that the lymphatic system is kind of like our body’s garbage disposal, so it’s important to stimulate it in order to keep ourselves as balanced and regulated as possible – whether we’re completely healthy, a little jet lagged, or kicking a virus.

One of the best ways to keep the lymph moving (alongside other things like nourishing food, deep breathing, massage, and hydration) is to move the body, even if it’s just a walk.

The same goes for the mind – when we positively stimulate our attention via concentration practices like meditation, we keep our state of mind, stress levels, and mood much more equalized than when we are overstimulating it with mindless scrolling on social media (of which many of us might probably be a little bit guilty).

You bet the same goes for the planet – when we resist the urge to act out of convenience or a quick fix (i.e. buy fast-fashion, toxic cleaning supplies, or highly processed foods), it becomes more habitual to take the extra steps to do and invest in the things we know will benefit our mental, physical, and ecological health (even if and when it feels a little bit more expensive and less convenient at first).

In any case, even if we know a thing good for us (movement, meditation, listening to music, calling a friend, having a tough but necessary conversation, getting outside, cooking a meal vs fast food), it can still sometimes feel like a push to do it.

The more we practice discernment of how we feel (or how our planet feels!) and what might be a useful remedy, the more likely we are to move through our resistance toward doing whatever it is that will ultimately support us.

The more we move through resistance, the less resistance we feel – or at least the easier it becomes to overcome our blocks.

In summary: the more we take care of ourselves even when we feel like it’s a chore, the more we’ll realize from personal embodiment and experience (which is often more profound than scientific studies) that the payoff is worth it.

Enjoy these 3 free practices – all under 30 minutes – to take care of your body and mind if and when you feel like they might be supportive :

Slow Restorative Flow | 27 minutes

Short & Sweet High Intensity-ish | 13 minutes

Be-ing Present : Lake Meditation | 22 minutes

Reach out for a free assessment call if you need support around how you’re feeling, what you’re resisting, and how you might be able to move through it.

What action or activity are you resisting lately that you know might result in a nice payoff, and how might you be able to take a step towards doing it this week (even if it’s just the first of several other steps)?

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Take good care,


Photo : About to fall out of a handstand in Catalina after a yoga practice on a beach towel on cement before my friends came out for breakfast.

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