mindful morning: a free ebook to nourish mind, body & planet

Posted: October 3, 2024 by sasha nelson

(confession: i wasn’t always a morning person…)

Welcome to my self-proclaimed Mindful Morning Month!

This is both fun and ironic because for most of my life, I actually did not consider myself a morning person – and even if I had been the early riser I never longed to be (until now), I doubt I would have spent those early hours very mindfully.

Because of this and for many other reasons – including my current goal to begin the remaining days of 2024 in a more grounded way – I created this free ebook:

Mindful Morning: Self-Care for Mind, Body & Planet

Inside you’ll find morning ritual ideas, personalization tips, journal and meditation prompts, links to classes and articles (etc), recipes, and eco brands and products.

I was initially inspired to cultivate my own mindful morning after noticing how easy it can be to fall into a routine in today’s go-go-go culture: wake up, silence alarm, check notifications, beeline for coffee, prep for work, rush out the door or dive into emails.

While various versions of this autopilot wakeup call might feel like a comfortable and natural routine, it doesn’t set us up for the kind of preventative care that supports us not just through the day, but throughout our lives.

For example: During my transition from the unnatural (yet somehow societally normal) college and graduate school routines to “real life,” my sleep quality suffered.

This negatively impacted my health, digestion, mood, ability to concentrate, etc.

It was during my studies in movement, holistic health, and ecological living that I discovered the profound impact that early mornings could have on one’s wellbeing.

I learned how sunlight and morning UV rays, fresh AM air, and the tranquil energy of the early hours all contribute to balanced immune and nervous systems by positively affecting our energy, gut health, circadian rhythm, and more.

So – slowly but surely – I began to embrace and cherish these first moments of the day.

As I noticed how having a more mindful morning supported my sleep, mood, and overall health, I found myself eager to witness and bathe in those calming hours whenever possible.

It started with nourishing breakfasts consumed with less rush and more intention.

When faced with an early start, I’d prepare something the night before and make a warm beverage in the morning to take with me.

I incorporated movement and meditation when I could – sometimes I journaled to clear my mind before stepping into the rest of the day.

When I had the luxury of time, I received it with deep gratitude.

My mornings aren’t always as easeful as I would like, though, which can be especially true for those with children, pets, and responsibilities that demand full attention.

We’re only human; life happens, things get in the way, and mornings (like everything else) won’t always unfold as planned.

But after years of working with clients who sought their own unique rituals – and as my personal rituals evolved and shifted – I learned that even the smallest AM action had a noticeable impact on how one conducted the remainder of their day.

Whether your non-negotiable practice is meditation, a few deep breaths, movement, a conscious moment of gratitude, a satiating meal at home or on the go, a cozy tonic, a cleansing journal session, or some combination of these – there is no doubt that mornings are, by default, an important way to set the tone for the following hours.

I am happy to share practices that you can experiment with and make your own, in hopes of inspiring all of us (myself included) to begin our day in the most nourishing way possible that suits our unique needs.

I encourage us to utilize the tools that work best for us – whatever helps us move into the day with the intentions, mindset, and energy of how we ultimately desire to feel throughout all waking hours (even when things feel challenging).

It all starts with the simple act of paying attention, and that can begin right when you wake up (even right now – whatever time of day you’re reading this).

I’ll practice alongside you each week of October as I introduce tips and tools that have been useful for me; that continue to help steady my attention in the early hours.

What do you envision your ideal Mindful Morning looking and feeling like?

(My ideal morning feelings: well-rested, grounded, clear-headed, satiated, grateful).

Thank you for joining me – I wish you well in the creation of your own unique mindful morning rituals for the wellbeing of your mind, your body, and our planet.

To be continued next week, and till then:

Enjoy the ebook 🙂

Take good care,


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P.S. If you’re ready to transform your mornings and elevate your overall daily wellbeing, book a free 20-minute introduction call.

It would be a pleasure to work together to create a personalized integrative wellness plan that aligns with your unique needs and goals – including a more mindful and deeply fulfilling life.

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