Inhalation births millions of new cells, and with exhalation, millions expire… This is the rhythm of nature; this is the four seasons in a day. The death and life of breath; the tree exhales, and we live… Life-depleting thoughts create sourness in the body, an acidic environment… Please do not give soil to these thoughts. see them; weed them from the garden of your being… Nourishment for our cellves comes from food, water, thought-feelings and breath rooted in life’s grace.
Nadine Artemis of Living Libations
As we approach that much anticipated, sunny time of year resulting in extra skin exposure [hurrah vitamin D!] alongside the unfortunate societal pressures of being told how to make our bodies LOOK “better” or “good” – we all probably know deep down that what will ultimately make us happy is to FEEL better [if you feel unwell] and FEEL good – inside and out.
It can be exhausting to peruse the social media posts, click-bait headlines, doctors, and biohackers who tell us what is best for us, when in reality we are all unique individuals with unique needs, not to mention that this can shift like and with the seasons.
And so, I offer a few friendly food reminders I’ve picked up myself and from clients / students throughout my years as a health coach, educator, practitioner, and student of Ayurveda / nutrition / life:
- An anxious relationship with food can be just as detrimental as eating excess calories or junk food. Stress can lead to dis-ease in various forms. Mindfulness and feel-good practices like movement, meditation, being in nature and around good people – including enjoying meals together – can help.
- Calories are energy [in short: we need them] and are not all created equal [in short: the calories in a donut will assimilate in the body differently than the calories in an avocado]. Do not fear calories.
- Good fats are important, especially for hormone balancing. Fearing and avoiding healthy fats [or fearing food in general, for that matter] can be unhealthy physically and mentally.
- You may not have the exact same amount of food or fat every single day. This can be relative to your emotions, the weather and time of year, work or relationship stressors, how you’re sleeping, social gatherings, etc. Remember that nothing – including our weight or our mood [etc] – is perfectly stagnant.
- Feeding and nourishing yourself is natural and necessary! Being hungry and having cravings is not wrong – it is a biological reaction to the body’s needs. We must simply do our best to pay attention to what is and isn’t working for us, consult professionals for support [without being afraid to ask them questions when skeptical], and knowing that both the intention and any steps we take to nourish ourselves are significant.
- Feeling the feelings is important, so give yourself credit for noticing if you do have feelings around food – whether they are loving or judgmental [maybe sometimes a mix between the two]. Allow these feelings to be present; perhaps have a chat with them and see what – if anything – you can learn from them.
What have you learned about yourself and food over the years in terms of what makes you feel good?
Reach out if you need assistance with cultivating practices that work for your unique needs.
Read the recent newsletter for my new favorite banana bread concoction, upcoming in-person and virtual classes and events, mindful living tools, discounts from like-minded brands, and good vibes.
Take good care of your Selves and each other,
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