Still, what I want in my life
Mary Oliver
is to be willing
to be dazzled—
to cast aside the weight of facts
and maybe even
to float a little
above this difficult world.
How can one flip anxious future-tripping into positively anticipating the unknown? Asking for a friend…
Let’s explore some tips from my mindfulness studies and personal experience:
- Breathe. Inhale, exhale, repeat.
- Release. Express your feelings [therapy and trusted friends alike] / move your body / cry / scream underwater / yell into the abyss. Do what you need to self-soothe and process emotions.
- Reflect. Why are you triggered? What is the limiting belief that is keeping you in a self-destructive box and anxiety loop? Is it really true, even if it feels deeply real?
- Laugh. ‘Tis medicinal.
- Give thanks. Bring your attention to what has worked out and what is currently going well for you.
- Go outside. Nature nurtures and has so much to offer us.
- Keep going. Even if fear or anxiousness is still there, it doesn’t have to stop you from enjoying your life. Take it by the hand, maybe see what you can learn from it, and continue on.
- Trust in the timing of things; in things working out; in resiliency of mind / body / heart; in miracles.
- Rinse + repeat. Per one of my favorite Zen Buddhist teachings: “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.”
What supports you in transitioning from anxiety to more ease?
Work with me one-on-one for personalized support and accountability on your unique wellbeing journey.
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Take good care of your Selves and each other,
Photo: Bavaria, Germany. July 2022.
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