end + begin again

Posted: August 1, 2022 by sasha nelson

It’s still possible amongst all the never-ending movement to hold the necessary anchorage, while having a mind for the long migration, to be ready to up and go and then surprisingly, be gone.

David Whyte, “Still Possible”

If you caught the recent ode to my apartment post, you’ll know that feels and transitions are in the air.

If anything, the flux and uncertainty that has been my reality over the past 4 years has made me realize how – even amidst discomforts – I have managed:
to stay nourished and nurtured;
to cultivate community wherever I ended up;
to witness miracles and meltdowns with the understanding that neither is permanent;
to learn and unlearn [on repeat];
to remain anchored in my studies of the subjects I cherish;
to trust the circumstances that bring me to wherever I am and whatever guides me to the next place…

Thank you for being with me on the journey of belonging and discovering; of ends and beginnings.

Here are some practices that have helped me to maintain a sense of groundedness during transitions:

  • Breathe. As always: inhale, exhale, repeat.
  • Explore. Find what makes you feel at home, whether it’s a local café or bakery, grocery store or plant store, yoga studio or pottery studio, etc.
  • Nourish. Cook your favorite meals and find what you fancy at nearby eateries. Fuel your furnace.
  • Befriend. Be your own best friend as you take yourself out on walks and dates, and befriend those around you in ways and timelines that feel comfortable to you – remember that even a simple greeting or smile can make someone’s day. Community is essential to mind-body wellbeing.
  • Feel. ‘Tis normal to have feels – both excitement for new adventures and grief for what was. Allow yourself to feel and move through it all, remembering that nothing is stagnant.
  • Routine. What routines feel grounding to you, no matter where you go? Whether it’s a morning beverage, midday journaling, afternoon stroll, or bedtime reading – allow your rituals to steady you.
  • Outside. I repeat: nature nurtures and has so much to offer us. Connect to Her often.
  • Play! Dance, create or go explore local art, sing and listen to music – whatever brings you joy.
  • Release. Relieve expectations of how your new beginning “should” be. Hold the vision of the desired outcome of your new adventure and be open to surprises and miracles [maybe even something better than said expectation – even if that is not immediately obvious].
  • Personalize. Set up new spaces in ways that feel cozy and home-y to you, even if it’s within 26 meters squared of a tiny furnished Parisian apartment. Crystals, plants, rugs, artwork – have fun.
  • Trust. Things work out in their own divine time; life ebbs and flows and shifts with the seasons; you can always cultivate a sense of home within yourself by returning to these practices over and over.

How might you feel at home in your Selves, wherever the road leads to next?

Work with me one-on-one for personalized support and accountability on your unique wellbeing journey.

Read the newsletter for a current pasta salad-ish dish, upcoming in-person events, a fun summer playlist by yours truly, a new discount from my favorite Ayurvedic chocolate brand, and good vibes.

Take good care of your Selves and each other,

[Thank you sweet Parisian nest x VINGT Paris for taking care of me]



Photo: Ma petite cuisine à Paris 11ème. July 2022.

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